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We Are Professional Business Card Printers

Business cards are among the printed materials Church Street Printers prints for customers in the Northport, Smithtown, and Huntington, NY area.

We print business cards for commercial and public clients all around Northport, Smithtown, Huntington, and surrounding communities in, NY.

We use professional grade card stock that results in direct marketing tool that is sturdy and meant to exchange hands quite a bit.

We printed this business card for a customer in Smithtown, NY. He had designed the card himself.Business cards, even in this digital age, are still one of the most effective direct marketing tools available. Their convenience and speed at which they can convey business contact information virtually guarantee their usefulness for years to come.

At Church Street Printers, Inc., we print business cards for both commercial clients and members of the public. The card stock we use is professional grade and sturdy, which is important for a relatively small item that may exchange hands quite a bit over the span of its lifetime.

If you are the owner of a business, who would like a handy and customized means of sharing contact information for your business, or if you are an individual who needs their info readily available for community functions, we can supply high quality business cards to customers in and around Northport, Smithtown, and Huntington, NY.

Common Stocks Used for Business Cards

The stock used for business cards can come in a variety of materials and can range in thickness. Though the majority of business cards produced are made from card stock, another material often used is plastic. However, before ordering business cards made of a material other than card stock, you should consider such things as:

  • Do the characteristics of the material match well with the characteristics of your company’s brand
  • Will the material allow you to execute the design you want for your business cards
  • Will business cards made from your chosen material fit your budget, as more exotic stock materials generally cost more

All of the card stocks we use are produced from recycled materials that allow us to perform eco friendly printing.

Why We Prefer to Use 16 PT Card Stock

Of the various card stocks available to produce business cards on, we have found that 16 pt stock offers the most quality at a comfortable price point for our customers all throughout Northport, Smithtown, and Huntington, NY. And, in fact, 16 pt stock offers a number of benefits. For example:

  • The thickness of 16 pt stock makes it ideal for two-sided printing and it is able to keep its rigidness and integrity
  • 16 pt stock has a more substantial and upscale feel to it than other common stocks like 14 pt. This helps the tactile advantage that business cards have as a marketing tool
  • Because 16 pt stock is more sturdy, it looks better for longer, as it is more resistant to wear and tear

Business Card Sizes

Is there any wonder that, with a wide selection of materials, thickness, and shapes available for business cards, that an equal diversity of sizes exists? As can be expected, business cards come in all sorts of sizes, but perhaps the most commonly produced size is the traditional 2" x 3.5". The actual size range for business cards that Church Street Printers, Inc. can produce is from 1.5" x 3.5" up to 7" x 2".

The larger sizes within the range stated are definitely more of a novelty and are often used for special promotional purposes.

Finishes Such as Glossy, UV, Matte, & Uncoated

The first thing that a customer wanting business cards printed needs to understand about finishes is that no finish is necessarily better than the other. It's far more important to know that there are recommended applications for each type of coating.

Glossy business cards, such as this black example, are a favorite among our customers in Huntington, NY.

1. Gloss

Business cards with a gloss finish are generally considered as being more modern in appearance. However, another advantage is that the gloss coating adds a bit of extra sharpness, contrast, and vibrancy. Gloss finishes also provide protection against moisture.

Northport, NY customers of ours have given us positive feedback on the quality of these sample UV coated business cards.

2. UV

Business cards with a UV coating are an excellent choice if you plan to incorporate a photograph, or if a design is being used that is meant to have the business card really stand out. UV coatings, which stand for "ultraviolet" are also excellent protection against sunlight and keeps the colors of the business card from fading. An added bonus of business cards with UV coatings is that contrast, vibrancy, and shine are accentuated even more than with gloss finishes.

We have had several customers in Smithtown, NY request business cards with a matte coating, like these business cards from a company called Elite.

3. Matte

With matte finishes, colors are not as vibrant as they are with gloss or UV coatings. That said, colors still remain strong and they do not feel as slippery to the touch, resulting in a more solid texture. Because business cards with matte finishes are far less reflective, they are the superior choice when easy reading is the priority. Matte finishes should be used for business cards with a more classic design.

A Huntington, NY customer of ours had these uncoated business cards made to reflect a more traditional vibe.

4. Uncoated

Uncoated business cards have an even more pronounced tactile feel than matte coated cards. The lack of a protective coating results in colors that are more subdued, but not in a way that suggests inferior quality. Uncoated business cards are often used by companies with branding that fosters a more natural image or a classic vibe.

Call us for business card printing options available for your public or trade direct marketing!

Business cards have been around for a long time and the importance they have with regards to direct marketing will be around for quite some time to come. At Church Street Printers, Inc., we are proud to be the provider of high quality business cards to the various public and trade people withing the area encompassing Northport, Smithtown, and Huntington, NY. Call us at (631) 754-2100 to find out more about the business card printing options available to you.