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Our Rack Card Printing Is in Demand

An SEO company in Northport, NY took advantage of our high quality rack card printing.

Whether you are a trade or public customer in Northport, Smithtown, or Huntington, NY, we can cover your rack card printing needs.

We print rack cards for use cases that include marketing for various types of agencies and hotel lobbies, as well as announcing special events.

A frequent customer for our rack card printing services is a restaurant located in Smithtown, NY.Rack cards are the long tall, slender marketing materials you can often find in the holders or “display” racks in hotel lobbies, tourist information centers, and various types of agencies. Rack cards, upon first glance, may almost appear to be a brochure because their dimensions are similar, but they do not open up like brochure. They typically are only 2-sided.

One trade that frequently uses rack cards for marketing is real estate agencies. Many times, restaurants will use rack cards to display an abbreviated version of their menu. However, rack cards are also used in the public sector, usually to announce a special event.

Whatever your use case, Church Street Printers, Inc. is ready to handle the rack card printing needs of Long Island, NY customers from Northport and Smithtown, as well as surrounding communities like Huntington.

Common Rack Card Sizes, Stock Types, & Coatings

Perfect examples of the various sizes in rack cards we have printed for past customers in Huntington, NY.The most common sizes for rack cards range between 3.5” x 8.5” to 4” x 9”. The available size options is the one area that is somewhat limited for rack cards. This is mainly because the rack cards must fit into the display racks they are usually found in. Otherwise, the diversity of options available for stock types and coatings offer plenty of room for creativity!

With regards to stock types, the usual suspects generally used with postcards is also used with rack cards. There is the lighter 14 pt card stock, the premium feeling 16 pt card stock, and the rather rigid 18 pt card stock.

Though 14 pt card stock offers a slight savings in finances, the cost difference between 14 pt and 16 pt card stock is frankly negligible, especially when one considers the upgrade in the print quality, the durability, and how much more substantial this thickness of stock feels to the touch.

The gamut of coatings span from glossy coatings that give the finished rack cards a more modern flare, to glossy UV (ultraviolet) that works great if you are incorporating a photograph into the rack card’s design, to matte finishes that are the preferred option when the readability of text is the primary concern.

Two Important Rack Card Design Considerations

Rack card designs work best when they are simple and not overloaded. Two important considerations would be:

  1. Call to action - This is a marketing phrase that refers to a statement made to a target audience to elicit an immediate response from them. The response comes in the form of an action that is taken by the recipient of the call to action.
  2. One-fifth visibility - Once a rack card is placed within its display rack, only about the top fifth of it will be visible from the display. Though there are a wide variety of display racks available on the market, such as clear display racks and racks that feature a more opened front, the “one-fifth” rule is a good rule of thumb to follow!

Call us for a quote on rack card printing services today!

Whether you are a business like a hotel, restaurant, health spa, or real estate agency, or an individual preparing to host a special event, rack cards are a simple and elegant means of getting the word out. At Church Street Printers, Inc., we make our printing services available to areas of Long Island, NY that are in or around Northport, Smithtown, or Huntington.

Call us at (631) 754-2100 for a quote.